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Herstmonceux Church of England Primary School


Welcome to Spindle Class

The staff teaching in Year 4 are Mrs Wake, Miss Prior and Mr Russell.

Useful Information

Please note that our PE days are Monday and Wednesday - please ensure the children are wearing PE kits on these days. 

The PE kit consists of:

White t-shirt with blue school logo

Navy shorts

Black or Navy Jogging Pants (for cold weather)

Appropriate trainers (preferably black).



Term 1 topic letter

Year 4 Topic Letter Term 2

Home learning

Home Learning will consist of reading, spellings and times tables practise. Please ensure these are done as often as possible.

Times Tables

By the end of Year 4 it is expected that children can recall all times tables up to 12 x 12 in under 6 seconds.

Please use the links below to support children in developing their speed of recall.




We will also be having weekly spelling practise. Each week, spelling homework will be sent home on this website:

Spelling Shed